In a groundbreaking cultural event, the renowned Iranian vocalist Alireza Ghorbani performed the first-ever concert at the ancient site of Persepolis in Shiraz, Fars Province, from June 29 to July...
In a momentous occasion, acclaimed Iranian vocalist Alireza Ghorbani is set to make history by becoming the first singer to perform at the ancient Persepolis site (Takht-e Jamshid) in Shiraz, Fars...
We are pleased to announce that Iranian Music Concert will be held for two nights on May 27-28, 2022 in Den Haag- Netherlands, and on May 29, 2022 in Gent-Belgium
This program will be perfor...
We are pleased to announce that our joint concert with renowned Azerbaijani vocalist Alim Qasimov and Alireza Ghorbani will be held on thursday ,June 23th, 2022 at the invitation of Müpa Cultu...